Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Travels, Continued

Here is a farewell look at the Port of Miami as we sailed away on Sunday. We always enjoy watching this on our balcony, the ship moves away so silently and smoothly it's hard to realize at first that we're moving at all. The port is a busy on, even on Sunday there was a huge crane lifting shipping containers as though they were matchboxes and placing them delicately onto an ocean freighter. Interesting to watch.

This palatial complex is at the very end of the Port and is only accessible by ferry. It always looks so beautiful in the sunset, and what we can see of the interior looks quite amazing. A different life.

Here is the very front of the ship, it is even more monumental than it appears here! Quite imposing! Truly a floating city.

Another view. Just amazes me that we are floating around in this!

Graceful shapes on the waterfront of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

So and I were quite taken with this pretty horse with it's beautiful markings.

These blue-glazed bricks were apparently used as ballast on cargo ships in the early 19th century, and then reused as cobblestones. The colors and textures are very attractive. I don't think they will let me bring a few of these home with me.

The glazed ceramic tile front of a building in Old San Juan.

Here is the mascot of the "Polo Norte" brand.

And on the other side, the mysterious machine which apparently causes the bottles to have anti-gravity properties. I can't understand why this never caught on!

One of my absolute favorite shops in Old San Juan, "Moon Dance". It's a glorious emporium of beautiful things, mostly from the far east, full of color and sparkle. The staff kitty was around, but was off about her own business when I was taking pictures. She's a tiny wee tabby, and her name, Ranichandra, means queen of the moon. Such a big name for a wee cat!

We're having a restful, relaxing time. I am focusing heavily on reading, sleeping and working on a few little projects.
One small issue about a cruise is the fact that the staff would prefer the passengers to be eating approximately 95% of the time. Every time I turn around someone is offering me a slice off a huge roast, a basket of bread, dessert, fruit, cocktails, cookies....Pizza, Ma'am? Ice cream, Ma'am? Wheelbarrow full of breakfast pastry? It's very tempting but I can't munch ALL the time as I do need some time to sleep and lounge about, after sleeping! However, I am currently quite oblivious to the MOUNTAIN of work waiting for me at home, and that is what a vacation is for!

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