Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Finding The Calm

Some days are just days for sorting buttons, and today was the perfect sort buttons. This task permits my mind to wander peacefully, requires little effort or concentration, yet allows the virtuous knowledge that I am accomplishing something I would hate doing if it wasn't quite the right sort of day.
The Oasis show was rather quiet. Bead buyers are feeling the pinch of the economy just like everyone else and are being very cautious about what they are buying. I know I am! I resisted several temptations myself, and bought only a bit of glass and a new small masher to replace the one I melted. So rested all weekend and is feeling better, which really is one of the most important things in my world. It was quiet enough at the show that I really didn't need extra help, so that worked out quite well.
I really have no idea why I didn't think to take picture of the show this year. Brain fart?
We had drinks on Saturday night with Terri and Anne at the Library Bar at the Royal York Hotel. I think there must be a law that all older hotels have at least one cozy, dark and comfortable bar with deep cushy chairs and was the perfect place to visit and get caught up. We were not staying there (I wish!) but what a beautiful, grand old hotel.
I am also most grateful to Terri and Anne for some great advice...about display and self-promotion and marketing and about being proud of my work. Thank you both, love you!
On Monday I popped into a leather shop on King Street West...holy leather lover's heaven! I love the scent of leather and walking into this shop had me inhaling the scent of soft leather coats and garments and piles of skins. I wanted a larger piece of stingray leather to texture PMC, but found it to be beyond my current budget. However the staff showed me a lot of wonderful things and I bought a piece of ostrich leather which will be a pleasure to work with. It has a lot of different textures within the one piece.
So was too tired for our planned trip to the Apple Store, but we did go to Anthropologie. Somehow I just wasn't in the mood to shop, which has probably never happened before in the history of my life. They were sold out of the scarf I liked online, and didn't have my size in the one pair of pants I was interested in, so I wandered out empty handed, which is certainly more economical, isn't it?

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